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​AWS installation in Malang City is an effort to monitor environmental conditions around the yeast factory accurately and in real-time regarding atmospheric conditions and air temperature so that output is more optimal in the yeast production process.

Nature is Around You,
and in You

No matter how advanced our industries become, we remain an inseparable part of nature.


Through innovation and technological development, we are creating digital solutions that not only help industries achieve operational efficiency but also reduce negative impacts on the environment. From efforts to reduce carbon emissions to mitigating the risks of hazardous industrial waste and preserving the ecosystems around us for a sustainable future.


Our vision is to create a future where industry and the environment coexist harmoniously. We aspire to be pioneers in changing the industrial paradigm, where economic growth is no longer in conflict with environmental preservation.


Sharing about Environmental Issues


Collaborate with Goverment, Industry, and Society


Development of Digital-based Technology


Implementation of Solutions in the Real World

Mertani Team in Bandung, West Java - Smart Poultry Implementation

In this video, we are installing Smart Poultry systems in Bandung, West Java. Implementing Smart Poultry in chicken farms offers various advantages, such as increased efficiency and productivity, reduced operational costs, improved product quality, and enhanced environmental sustainability. Farmers can respond quickly to chicken needs, conserve resources, detect diseases earlier, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Proud to Be a Trusted Partner of Proteus Instruments

In this video, Mertani proudly announces that we are the official distributor of Proteus Instruments in Indonesia. We are committed to providing leading measurement and control solutions for various domestic industries.

Implementation of AWLR in South Kalimantan

Hello friends of Mertani. In this video, we showcase the installation process of the Automatic Water Level Recorder in South Kalimantan.

Our Partners in Increasing Productivity and Realizing Environmental Preservation

Recognized as a Certified Local Tech-Producer

Mitra Teknologi

Implemented Technology

Ground Water Level (TMAT) & Canal Water Level (TMAS)

Get groundwater level and canal water level reports conveniently through smartphones and PCs while complying with government regulations.

Mertani AWLR plus CCTV

Water Level

Manual Ombrometer Substitute

Discover the current and future water availability through automatic rainfall monitoring!

Automatic Rainfall Recorder_Mertani Solusi Digital Perkebunan


Automatic Weather Station - Soil Monitoring

Predict what phenomena will occur in the future and make early preparations and more accurate planning.

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Water Quality Monitoring System

Get information about the water quality you need, both in the industry and along the river's course.


Water Quality

Air Quality Monitoring System

Build a safe and comfortable urban environment for the community while considering air quality aspects.

Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) Mertani

Air Quality

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+62 851-7337-3817 (Mertani Team)

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