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IoT Software Platform

Switching from manual methods to digital technology. Stay up to date with your garden's condition via smartphone and PC from anywhere to facilitate reporting and decision-making!

Easy Report
Access Anytime
& Anywhere
Mertani IoT Solution Apps for Plantation.jpg

What do you get?

Mertani Software Platform


Mertani Software Platform helps you display the latest information regarding the condition of your plantation, from anywhere and at any time. This information or data can be easily seen in the form of visual graphs with detailed data per parameter.


Advanced features that will assist you as a plantation stakeholder include information access level management, data filtering by date, grouping data by period, and GPS for locating device placement in extensive plantation areas. Additionally, you can easily download this data in ready-to-use Excel format. With this data, we hope that you will have a stronger foundation for determining company operational policies.



PC Dashboard Features
  • Sensor and Device Management (Virtual calibration)

  • Setting the measurement interval

  • Daily, Monthly, and annually data report

  • Grouping data based on each land

  • Notifications (By setting a secure limit via the dashboard)

  • Download data

  • User Level Settings

  • Device Location Tracking (GPS)

  • Detail Data insights for plantation action *on development

Mobile Apps Features
  • Harvest data from the field

  • Realtime monitoring (chart, raw data, and download data)

  • Quick notification

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IoT Software Platform

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Sleman, Yogyakarta 55286​

(0274) 2888 087

+62 851-7337-3817 (Mertani Team)

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