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Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut

Get real-time updates on your plantation's condition continuously using the Peatland Quality Monitoring System related to groundwater levels, peat soil moisture, and rainfall levels.
Plug & Play
Access Anytime
& Anywhere
Waterproof Enclosure


  • During the dry season, the groundwater levels in peatland can significantly decrease, leading to widespread and challenging-to-control fires. Meanwhile, during the rainy season, the risk of flooding also increases if peatland water levels are not properly managed.

  • The Peatland Quality Monitoring System serves as a tool to support policy decisions in natural resource management, environmental protection, and climate change mitigation. By utilizing data and information from the Peatland Quality Monitoring System, it is hoped that disaster management and peatland management in Indonesia can become more efficient, timely, and based on accurate data.

Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut | Mertani

Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut

Peatland Quality Monitoring System is a real-time data monitoring platform that originates from Groundwater Level (TMA) monitoring devices capable of measuring peat soil moisture, rainfall levels, air temperature and humidity, as well as wind direction and speed.
Legal Basis:
  • Peraturan Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Republik Nomor 04 Tahun 2018. see details

  • Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Republik Indonesia Nomor SK.246/Menlhk/Setjen/KUM.1/6/2020. see details 

  • Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 71 tahun 2014. see details

  • Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Kerusakan Lingkungan Nomor: P.3/PPKL/PKG/PKL. 0/4/2019. see details

Schematic Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut

Skematik Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut | Mertani
Schematic Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut
Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut consists of several main parts : 

1.Sensor Monitoring Groundwater Level
Sensors in the Peatland Quality Monitoring System device continuously measure and monitor groundwater levels. Data generated from these sensors is sent in real-time to the monitoring center.

2.Monitoring Center

Data collected from the sensors is processed and analyzed at the monitoring center. This monitoring center is typically managed by relevant institutions. Here, data is transformed into understandable information that can be used for decision-making purposes.

3.Early Warning and Alarms
Based on the monitored data, the Peatland Quality Monitoring System can provide early warnings and alarms to industries if the groundwater level in peatland rises and approaches dangerous levels or specific limits.
Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut | Mertani

Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)

  • Mertani data logger
  • Power unit 
  • Data Communication (2G, 4G, LTE)
  • Panel box
  • Wiring system
*RTU installation can be adjusted to field conditions

Sensor Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut

  • Protocol communication RS485 Modbust
  • Soil Moisture

  • Soil Temperature

  • Air Humidity

  • Rainfall

  • Water level Submersible

  • Device Temperature

  • Location

  • Signal Condition

Submersible | Mertani
Rainfall Spoon | Mertani
Soil Sensor | Mertani
BGT | Mertani
Dashboard Mertani.png

Software System

  • Sending data directly to the server according to Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut program regulations
  • PC dashboard and Android application are available, as well as open API options for Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut user companies.

Spesification Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut



Details Spesification Pemantauan Kualitas Lahan Gambut
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