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Designed for horticulture and agricultural applications, the photon active range of the compactML-020P PAR (MTI.AWS.EK.020P) Sensor or Quantum sensor is between 400 to 700 nm; that is the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), otherwise known as Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF), or Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD), represented as μmol/m/s (micromoles of photons per meters squared per second). The low output Voltage of the sensor can easily be converted to a 4-20mA current or higher Voltage using the MS-4.20mA converter. The mV/mA converter can be pre-programmed and optimised within the operating range compatible with standard measurement equipment.

ML-020P PAR Sensor

  • • Irradiance range: 0 to 3000 μmol/s-1/m-2

    • Output : 0 to 20000 μV

    • Impedance : 30 Ω

    • Operating temperature range : -10 to 50 °C

    • Temperature response -10°C to 50°C 1.1 %

    • Cable length : 5m (10/30/50m)

    • Leveling plate : Optional

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