TSS (Total Suspended Solids) can be derived by using a turbidity (NTU) sensor to measure backscatter caused by suspended sediment in the water. As suspended sediment can be in the form of clay, silt, organic or organic matter there is no single relationship between turbidity and TSS. However, the relationship is typically near perfect (R2>>0.95) and can easily be derived by undertaking regression analysis between the two parameters and entering that factor into the Proteus software.
Total Suspended Solid (TSS) (CAL-TSS)
• Parameter: TSS
• Range: 0 to 500 mg/l
• Resolution: 4 digits with maximum of two decimals
• Accuracy: ±2 % of reading or 0.2
• Comments: Calculated using the correlation between turbidity and a sediment standard or sample. Local calibration can be applied.