Inclination Model EAN-61MS (MTI.EWS.ER.M-EAN-61MS) in-place 3D inclinometer with settlement system consists of a string of probes positioned inside the inclinometer casing in a continuous array to span the movement zone. Separate IPI and settlement sensors are coupled together to form the probe assembly. The IPI is a high accuracy biaxial MEMS sensor to monitor lateral movement (X-Y). A contactless magnetic sensor housed in a waterproof stainless steel body monitors settlement or heave (Z) The probe measures tilt and settlement in successive segments to accurately monitor a change in the profile (X-Y-Z) of the inclinometer casing. Each probe is fitted with a pair of pivoted sprung wheels which rests inside the grooves of the inclinometer casing. The probes are connected to each other by gage tubes (with provision to adjust the length). Length of gage tubes determines the distance between each probe i.e. length of each segment over which the tilt is monitored.
Inclination Model EAN-61MS
• Probe Biaxial MEMS sensor (monitors X-Y), Contactless magnetic sensor (monitors Z)
• Measuring Range ± 15° (X-Y), 100 mm (Z)
• Accuracy ± 0.1% fs
• Temperature Range -20°C to 80°C
• Output SDI-12 digital (serial) output
• Speed 1200 bits/sec 1 As tested under lab conditions