The state-of-the-art Laser Precipitation Monitor (LPM) (MTI.RR.TB.BR.LP) measures the amount, intensity and type of precipitation with great accuracy. The LPM is capable of measuring particles down to 0.16 mm diameter and can provide drop size distributions with 400 classes. The data output is available in SYNOP, METAR, NWS, and in 4678 and 4680 WMO code. The system calculates intensity, volume (as water equivalent) and the spectrum of precipitation (diameter and velocity), the reduction to visibility in precipitation (MOR) and the radar reflectivity (Z). The LPM uses reliable laser-optics to detect and discriminate different kinds of precipitation including:
Laser Precipitation Monitor + Heating
• Particle size range: Ø0.16 to >8mm
• Particle velocity range: 0.2 to 20m/s
• Intensity: <0.005 to 250mm/hr Accuracy
• Drizzle: >97%
• Rain: >99%
• Hail: >95%
• Snow: >99%
• Snow grains: >60% General
• Data output serial: RS485
• Additional inputs: Temperature, Wind Direction, Wind Speed, Relative Humidity
• Operating voltage - Sensor: 24V AC or DC, 115 V AC, 230 V AC, 12 – 24 V DC
• Operating temperature: -40° to +70° C
• Dimensions: 266 x 166 x 532mm
• Protection: IP65
• Weight: 4.8 Kg